Bluegrass 2017 Review

In 2017, 6 Club launches and 1 Uof L Practice session were held.

Number of launches in each of the 12 months

  1. January - 1 U of L Practice Launch
  2. February - 1 Launch
  3. March- 0 Launch
  4. April - 1 Launch
  5. May - 1 Launch
  6. June - 0 Launch
  7. July - 1 Launch
  8. August - 0 Launch
  9. September - 0 Launch
  10. October - 1 Launch
  11. November - 1 Launch
  12. December - 0 Launch
  13. Total - 7 Launches
We held 6 club launches and 1 U of L launch during the 2017 flying season. It was a good year for the club and much better than the previous year.

Launch attendance increased from 13 flyers in 2016 to 48 in 2017, an increase of 35 or 269%.
The number of rocket flights in 2016 was 27 and in 2017 it was 147 an increase or 120 or 444%.
In 2016 the club burned 30 motor and in 2017 it burned 163 an increase of 133 or 443%.
In 2016 10,556 N-sec of power was generated but in 2017 it increased to 29,651 N-sec, an increase of 19,095 N-sec or 181%.

List of 2017 Accomplishments

2017 Officers

Data for 2017

Event Date Location Fliers Flights Motors N-Sec
BlueSkies107 2/18 Sod Farm 7 22 25 17,425
BlueSkies108 4/02 Sod Farm 7 19 19 1,211
BlueSkies109 5/13 Sod Farm 3 26 28 371
BlueSkies110 7/15 Sod Farm 11 25 25 3,820
BlueSkies111 10/14 Sod Farm 7 17 18 4,680
BlueSkies112 11/11 Sod Farm 9 44 48 2,144
Totals     44 153 163 29,651

Now is the time to help the club continue to operate by giving of yourself. To show your support come to the launches and help with the tasks of setting up, tearing down and loading of the equipment. Volunteer to retrieve rockets. Spend some time in helping the RSO, LSO and Safety personnel. Learn about the functioning of the club duties. It takes time and energy to do these things and the old crew is wearing down with age and soon will not be physically able to continue.

Lets make this the best year yet - Get involved and Enjoy the Hobby.

Dues for 2018 will remain at $20 and this includes launch fees for the year.
Non-members will have a $5 launch fee for model rockets and a $10.00 fee for HP Rockets, 1st time fliers are free.
Children 16 and under free.

HAPPY 2018

Joe Magginnis
NAR 10720 L2
TRA 11793 L2