BlueSkies 32 Report
August, 08, 2009

This launch is both a sport launch and BaseBall Lofter Competition. It was mostly cloudy skies with winds in the 10 - 20 mph range most of the day. The winds got stronger as the day went on and the clouds continued to dissipate.

We had 3 fliers with 19 flights and 23 motors burned for a total impulse of 570ns. (Aerotech I364FJ) .

Motor breakdown:

  • 1/2A - 0
  • A - 4
  • B - 0
  • C - 5
  • D - 8
  • E - 4
  • F - 1
  • G - 1
  • H - 0
  • I - 0
  • J - 0

    Baseball Loft Competition
    Darryl Hankes 37.7 139.4 177.1 1st
    Dennis Stevens 23.3 125.5 148.9 2nd
    Joe Magginnis 45.1 19.9 65.0 3rd

    Flyers and their Birds including Competition
    Name Flights Comments
    Darryl Hankes 7
    1. Silver Balls (D12-3) D-Duration Good looking model. Great Flight.
    2. Silver Balls (B6-6) E-Altitude Great flight with good hang time - 1st Place.
    3. Brother Blue (D12-0/D12-7) Chad staged. Great Loop de Loop Flight.
    4. Drago (G78-7G) Great 29 mm Wildman Rocket.
    5. RZ-045 (D12-7) Another Loop de Loop Flight.
    6. Scar Face (F60-10RR) Excellent Flight. Good and fast lift off. Good Height.
    7. Hallows Eve (3xC6-7) Great straight flight on 3 engines.
    Dennis Stevens 7
    1. Baseball Loft (D12-3) D-Duration.
    2. Baseball Loft (E30-4) E-Altitude (Engine CATO).
    3. Baseball Loft (E30-7) E-Duration Good Flight - 2nd Place.
    4. Frick & Frack (C6-0/C6-3) Perfect separation and lots of twirling action.
    5. Freaky Flier (A3-4T) Home run.
    6. Freaky Flier (A3-4T) Still on the pad.
    7. Kraken (D12-3).
    Joe Magginnis 5
    1. Baseball Lofter (D12-5) D-Duration Good Flight.
    2. Baseball Lofter (E30-7) E-Altitude Baseball sparated - 3rd Place. Lost Baseball Nose Cone.
    3. Batroc (A8-3) Maiden Flight.
    4. Viking-1 (D12-5) Maiden Flight. Lost Nose Cone and 9" Chute.
    5. Swift (A8-3) Maiden Flight. Lost Nose Cone.

    Our next launch is at ADC Park September 12, 2009 10-5 EST including the Final Loft Competition with the Softball Loft.

    Stay tuned to BRS site for launch schedule updates.

    END 10/27/09 END