BlueSkies 56 Report
April 08, 2012

It was another warm day with clear skies and winds ranging from 3 to 11 mph Temperatures were in the low 70's. Sims Farm finally dried out enough so we could get in another launch before planting. I got there at 8:35 and left at 5:00. The winds were from the NW which carried the rockets toward the tree line behind and to the East of the launch pad.

We had 4 fliers with 22 flights and 25 motors burned. The total impulse was 3275.3 N-sec. (Gorilla Works L789>.

Motor breakdown:


  • 1/8A - 0
  • 1/4A - 1
  • 1/2A - 2
  • A - 7
  • B - 3
  • C - 3
  • D - 0
  • E - 0
  • F - 1
  • G - 1
  • H - 4
  • I - 1
  • J - 2
  • K - 0
  • L - 0
  • M - 0

    Flyers and their Birds.
    Name Flights Comments
    Joe Magginnis 7
    1. Snitch (B6-0) First Launch of the Day
    2. Cloud Warrior (C6-0/B6-4)) Good Flight. Landed near creek SE of launch area.
    3. Cloud Warrior (B6-0/A6-4)) Good Flight. Booster landed E and Upper stage landed S of launch area.
    4. Raven (H120-7) Good straight flight. Landed NE of launch area. Broke a fin fillet on one fin, repairable.
    5. Small Endeavor (H255-7) Quick launch. Ripped off both launch lugs. Landed NW a long wasy from the launch area, repairable.
    6. 4" Patriot (H100-8)) Good Flight. Went higher than expected. Landed NE of launch area about 800 yards.
    7. 4" Patriot (H125-8)) Good Flight. Went higher than expected. Landed NE of launch area about 850 yards.
    Matt Magginnis 7
    1. Darkstar 4 (J280) Last launch of the day. Loud ripping launch. Landed near road East of launch pad. About a 10 minute walk one way.
    2. Mini Honest John (A10-3T) Good straight flight. Landed near treeline SE of launch pads
    3. Mini Honest John (A3-6T) Good straight flight. Landed not too far E of launch pads
    4. Darkstar 4 (J280) Nice straight high flight. Loud ripping launch. Landed near road East of launch pad. About a 10 minute walk one way.
    5. Ion Disrupter (C6-3) Excellent flight. Landed E of launch pads.
    6. Mini Honest John (1/2A3-4T) Good straight flight. Landed really close E of launch pads
    7. Ion Disrupter (C6-5) Excellent flight. Landed E of launch pads. No damage.
    Darryl Hankes 6
    1. Boosted (I800) Excellent Launch. Recovered Dart ok but the Boost stage came in hot and buried into the roadway destroying most of the booster. Took a while digging out the nose cone. For some reason the electronics did not fire the brst charge. Electronic module was toast.
    2. N.O.R.M. (1/4A3-4T) Excellent Flight. Easy recovered E of launch pad.
    3. N.O.R.M. (1/2A3-4T) Excellent Flight. Went a bit higher. Easy recovered E of launch pad.
    4. N.O.R.M. (A3-4T) Excellent Flight. Went even higher. Easy recovered E of launch pad.
    5. N.O.R.M. (A10-3T) Excellent Flight. Went a lot higher. Recovered SE of launch pad just a few inches from creek and trees.
    6. N.O.R.M. (A10-0T/A3-6T) Chadded booster to model. Successful flight. Went a the highest of all 4 launches. Recovery cleared the treeline SE of launch pads.
    Jeff Caldwell 2
    1. Wild Child (F39) Excellent Launch. Just cleared treeline over creek SE of launch pads.
    2. Stovi (G83) Good Flight?

    Remember, club dues of $20.00 for the year are due. If you pay by check please make it out to: Bluesgrass Rocketry Society.

    We still has some motor packs available for $3.00 a pack. That's a far cry from the current retail prices. See Dennis Stevens for purchases.

    Our next launch is scheduled for May 19st at ADC Park. Come and have fun. Hope to see ya all then.

    Stay tuned to this web site for launch schedule updates.

    See you there.

    END 05/25/2012 END