Joe Purvis Models. |
Jeff Caldwell's Saturn V - Guess the old part model. |
Dennis Stevens' prep area and the lunch/raffel tents. |
Allen Burnham's Open to Suggestion Rocket. |
Allen Burnham's Solar Warrior Maiden Flight on a D9. |
Solar Warrior Landing. |
The launch table and several prep areas and Darryl's Vendor Area. |
Earl Banks on left attaching ignitor clips while Jeff Caldwell oj the right preps his PSC Infinity on 2 C6 motors. |
Gathering around the lunch table to get eats are Joe, Linda, Lachar, and Dylan. |
Earl's Strong Arm maiden flight on an F20. |
Earl Banks Launch Fleet. |
Dave Banks Launch Fleet. |
Jeff's PSC Infinity on 2 C6's. |
Ed Motley's B4 Quad launching on 4 D12's. |
Allen Burnham's Big Daddy Maiden Flight on E9. |
Safe recovery of Allen's Big Daddy. |
Dave Banks preps the Alpha 3 with an E20 motor. |
Dave Banks. |
Hey. It's way over here. |
Loading Alpha 3 onto launch pad.. |
Trajector PSII on an F10. |
Setting the Mirage on the launch pad. |
Start of Mirage Lift-off. |
Mirage descending with tangles chute. |
Mirage on the ground. |
Some nice looking rockets. |
Gotta keep an eye out for objects like this and hold launches till safely out of range. |
Final stages of 10th anniversary raffle. |
Allen Burnham on left and Ed Motley on right returning with recovered rockets. |
Launch area with people relaxing, prepping and getting ready to make the last flights of the day. |
Linda and Dennis comparing ticket to prize as Joe records winner. |
Allen Burnham closest and Ed Motley packing up after a hard day at the range. |
Hank posing with his raffle prize. |
Hank proudly carrying his prize back to the prep area. |
Ed Motley packing up to head home. |
Earl Banks enjoying some of his raffle winnings | .
Earl Banks loading Dave Banks Nike Smoke with an F42 Motor. |
Nike Smoke Lift Off. |
Nike Smoke Flight after recovery device ejection. |
Nike Smoke Final Landing sequence near the pond. |
Darryl's Vending Area. |
Joe Purvis poses with one of his rockets. |
Joe Purvis poses with his sod chisel. |
On the Left - Ed Motley's Speed of Balsa with an F26 and on the Right - Joe Magginnis' Snitch with a C6. | .
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Photos 1-40 and 44-54 by Allen Burnham. Photos 41-43 by Joe Magginnis. |