BlueSkies 92 Report
April 26, 2015
Highland Sod Farm
Elizabethtown, KY

The day started out cold, windy and cloudy. It did not start out to be a good day to fly rockets but conditions improved as the day progressed. It started out around 47 degrees and with winds pushing over 10 mph. The cloudy skies gave way to mostly sunny until the clouds were completely gone. The winds became calmer with a few gusts up to 5 or 6 mph and making for a good day to launch rockets.

We had 7 fliers with 44 flights on 53 motors burned. The total impulse was 6023 N-sec. (CTI M1670 BS) .

Motor breakdown:
  • 1/8A - 0
  • 1/4A - 3
  • 1/2A - 1
  • A - 4
  • B - 10
  • C - 11
  • D - 4
  • E - 5
  • F - 4
  • G - 1
  • H - 4
  • I - 1
  • J - 5
  • K - 0
  • L - 0
  • M - 0

    Flyers and their Birds. Michael Turner
    Name Flights Comments
    Joe Magginnis 13
    1. Alien Invader (C6-5) Model came in hot due to streamer and broke tubes from end of wings.
    2. Dragonite (C6-5)
    3. 220 Swift (1/4A3-3T) Lost nose cone but later found by Ed and contined to fly model.
    4. Gold Strike (C6-5)
    5. 220 Swift (1/4A3-3T)
    6. Puma (1/4A3-3T)
    7. Puma(1/A3-2T)
    8. Puma (A3-4T) Shock cord broke and lost nose cone along with shock cord.
    9. Patriot (C6-5)
    10. Quad Runner (4xB6-4) All Motors lgnited.
    11. 5" Jart (J145 SK) Shroud lines broke on parachute and caused the fins to separate from the motor mount tube.
    12. Vegabond (E9-4)
    13. Gizmo (J270 W) Shroud line broke on parachute and caused the fillets to pop out of the joints.
    Jeff Caldwell 8
    1. Astro-1 (B4-4)
    2. Photon Disrupter (B4-4)
    3. Defender (3xA8-3) Tree'd
    4. Tuber (C11-0/C11-5)
    5. ISQY Tomahawk (G80 SK)
    6. D-Region Tomahawk (E9-4) Zippered
    7. SS Cestris (D12-5)
    8. PSC Infinity (2xB6-0/2xB6-6)
    Matthew Magginnis 6
    1. Power Patrol (C6-5)
    2. Blue Ninja (D12-3)
    3. L.G.M. (C6-5)
    4. Mini Magg (H123 SK) Wooed the crowd
    5. Mini Magg (H152 BS)
    6. Dark Star 4 (J430-7W) Caught the high power lines on the way down.
    Eliott Davis 5
    1. Gyro Naut (C6-5)
    2. Pool Noodle Booster (E9-4)
    3. Decender (F15-6)
    4. Ascender (F40-7W)
    5. Noodle Booster V2 (E9-6)
    1. Phenix Bird (C6-5)
    2. Loadstar 2 (D12-5)
    3. Chuter 2 (D12-7)
    4. Sky Trax (C6-5)
    5. Torrent (J150 P nellow)
    Ed Motley 4
    1. Big Black-n-Red One (H170-7)
    2. Big Black-n-Red One (H200-5BS)
    3. Big Black-n-Red One (I303-7) Ejection charge ignited after lawn dart. Model destroyed.
    4. Leviathan 54 (J410)
    Darryl Hankes 3
    1. ELI (E31 WT)
    2. ELI (F70 WT)
    3. ELI (F240 VM)

    Come to our next launch and enjoy the fun.

    Our next Sport launch scheduled is May 1, 2015 at the Highland Sod Farm in Elizabethtown, KY .

    Launch Fees are $10.00 for HPR and $5.00 for low power per day
    Stay tuned to this web site for launch schedule updates.

    Dues for the 2015 season are now due at $20.00 for the year.

    We still need a Tripoli member to replace Darrell as the Prefect, so if intrested contact Darrell.

    END 04/28/2015 END