TRA07 Report
April 20, 2014

It was a great day to fly. Could not have asked for better weather for April. Calm winds and sunny skies.

We had 5 fliers with 16 flights and motors burned. The total impulse was 35,440 N-sec. (PRO150 O4900BS).

Motor breakdown:


  • 1/8A - 0
  • 1/4A - 0
  • 1/2A - 0
  • A - 0
  • B - 0
  • C - 1
  • D - 0
  • E - 3
  • F - 3
  • G - 3
  • H - 1
  • I - 0
  • J - 0
  • K - 0
  • L - 1
  • M - 3
  • N - 1

    Flyers and their Birds.
    Name Flights Comments
    Darryl Hankes 8
    1. Thimble (C4) Too low KN - EX motor.
    2. U-Foe (E7) CATO - EX motor.
    3. Tinker Bell (E7) CATO - EX motor.
    4. Foe-U (F13) FWD burn ghrough KN too Low - EX motor.
    5. Crooked Cross (E60-8) FSI motor CATO with Stars.
    6. Slow Ride (F7-6) Motor CATO.
    7. Big Bull (M2200) Mr Clean - EX.
    8. Ball Buster (N4500) Mr Clean - EX.
    Chris Bertrand 3
    1. Barracuda (G40W) Nice Flight.
    2. Leviathan (G53fj) Nice Black Smoke.
    3. Ventris (F50T) Fast Flight.
    Ed Motley 2
    1. G-Force (G107DT) First DD Worked Well.
    2. G-Force (H118C) 1222' Main did not open. Broke Fin.
    Gus Piepenburg 2
    1. Green (L625SK) EX Motor.
    2. Green (M2300RR) Great Flight to 8K.
    UofL 1
    1. USLI (M3100WT/L1720WT) Second Stage did not light. Booster did not deploy.

    Welcome to our latest member, Gus Piepenburg. Hope to see you real soon.

    Remember, club dues of $20.00 for the year are due. If you pay by check please make it out to: Bluesgrass Rocketry Society.

    We still has some motor packs available for $3.00 a pack. That's a far cry from the current retail prices. See Dennis Stevens for purchases.

    Our next launch is April 26, 2014 at Sod Farm. Come and have fun. Hope to see ya all then.

    Stay tuned to this web site for launch schedule updates.

    See you there.

    Report generated by Darryl Hankes

    END 04/23/2014 END